sacrificial lamb

Tuesday morning, brunch time. What's up? Will play basketball later this aftwrnoon I'm getting fat again and I hate being fat. Why is that I get tired easily? Do I have to take vitamins? But I hate taking vitamins because its expensive hahaha centrum? Pls give me a years supply hahaha, centrums my fave brand,it take good care of me. Running out of liquid soap, I bought mine at watsons o love the scents of watsons body washes I've 2.. and its not expensive that's why I lovebuying my medicines and personal care items at watsons, ph. If you've watsons in your country, try their body washes.since I'm running out of it, I might use soap, safeguard for me or palmolive, I'm not picky when it comes to what kind of soap to use also shampoo. Got to go, take care kids hehehe, keep safe love you all. Glory to my Lord Apollion ROLLCOPTER


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