america and Russia

Hi tere, its my 4th post for today, this is intendede for tom, why is that the rest of the world are ignoring me? Hahaha there are fewer than 30 countries who visited my blog? Well, ok as long as you, my regular readers I can't ask for more. Using a 2 x 3 inch mobile I don't have a computer or a tablet and its very hard to post, I need to be careful at all times, slightest mistakes means id to write it all over again, so I appeal to you, pls donate so I could afford to buy a tablet which cost u.s s350., hehehe don't be shy common I need it badly. Also praying I need your comments and suggesstions, remeber I am nothing without you, seing my who visited me makes me happy. Seems my indian friends abandon me? Hello to my top blogsite visitor, america, hello to russia, my pinoy fans how are you? Also to south korea, hmm no visitors from japan? Well, its Friday need to go to the next village to catch a glimpse. Take care friends, I love you all. Do you have a problem? Send them in I might be able to give you an advice for free... send them in.h


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