
Showing posts with the label youtube

learn to forgive n play basketball allright got it

tired. very very tired. played basketball for three hours my knees are shaking hahaha it's fun. lying in my bed it's almost nine pm and I'm really tired. did you like my post bout Ms MSantiago and Liz Taylor? ahh woman of substance. there's this thing I would like to ask Anonymous a question. are you pro GOD? we are legion we do not forget we do not forgive - anonymous legion? we all know who or what legion is. anonymous claims they don't have a leader a non spiritual non physical? you do not forgive? so you are....? it's just a question you xo not forgive you do not forget? why? so the word forgive isn't in your vocabulary? GOD wants all of us to love and forgive each other. that's all for now I'm soooo tired guys. I didn't even do my evenng brisk walking routine hehehe sign of aging? maybe wahahahahaha wanna earn my first million first...... take care evil hides in many form thAt is unfathim to us all.

bits about Sen Miriam D.Santiago

courtesy of The Philippine Star Sunday march 25, 2012 sunday lifestyle by jojo silvestre tidbits of info about Senator Miriam D. Santiago fave author - Leo Tolstoy role model - Marie Curie, Margaret Thatcher fave music - Mozart fave song - Strangers in Paradise fave food - champagne and caviar her must travel destination - anywhere in Italy latest job - aside from being a senator, she is an incoming judge of the International Criminal Court and by accepting the job, she will resign from her post as senator. finished a master's in Theology she's a lawyer a judge a doctorate degree holder I tell you she is a very tough lady, she is great well loved by the flipono people, in politics she only loss once, election for president, but that is another story. she is a very successful women. idolizes by millions feared by billions. woman has balls. she is serious too bad shell leave us soon to fulfill her latest adventure in her life. she is my idol the woman whose ton

death star refuelling At the sun?

hi wazzup? i thought tWas summer already? it's cold in here. the weather is changing. is it true? did you hear that pope Benedict will retire will quit his post as pope? well Vatican, I am available hahaha just hire me as a pope. hmm am sitting drinking my favorite coffee smoking so quiet in here, you can hear no sounds excepts the birds chirping, I love birds it's not chirping for me it's singing well I am feeding them maybe as a sign of hmm how about barter? saying thank you they are chirping that makes me calm and stayed grounded. that best thing that money can't buy. I hope countries will stop using money, how about barter? hehehe or exchange goods for goods imagine will going to buy iPhone and well use or trade seeds for iPhone? isn't it cool? ok here's todays link star refuelling at the sun?

he truth believe it or not I do

hi I've been reading this link and it surprises me. I think necronomicon is or should I say originated from Iran? atleast the old Iran? I am asking a question I am not saying that they are. this link written by David icke you'll learn something but don't read it using your iPhone use your computer or laptop it's very lengthy it's all about annunakis mars reptillians classification of reptiles and much more also learn what is shape shifting what is the fourth dimension and why the annunakis or reptillians needs this just click the link above link

Cyndi lauper oh my I'm dead

hi oh my gosh I can't believe it Cyndi alauper live in Manila on March 17, too bad I can't watch it ya know financial problem. tickets are quite. expensive, after all she's Cyndi Lauper the only femAle who owns the record top 4 songs in one album and all of it ranked high on top ten songs number one. gosh hello cheapest ticket is $20 expensive ones cost $115 cool I can't afford it hello anyone who wants to give me a free Cyndi lauper concert tickets on the Phils? cmon don't be shy hahahha. I love Cyndi lauper I live her voice. she's got the talent the voice and quite beautiful and also Madonna. hey pilipinos out there don't forget to watch Cyndi lauper live in the Phils a once in a lifetime event too bad can't watch it. hey you out there from Luther countries if you like you can watch her live in the Philippines. I love her poster wearing a short hair and like Madonna her hair is weird, she used a brush tWas combed hahaha. so got to go folks see y

Tweet your way to a GalaxyTab7Plus with #SamsungMobileExchange. Just RT @PHSamsungMobile to get your points!

Tweet your way to a GalaxyTab7Plus with #SamsungMobileExchange. Just RT @PHSamsungMobile to get your points! tweet now also theyve found the giants, and they are cannivals, flesh eaters whoaaaaa scared? hahahaha copy paste found this site weird also, most important what the fuck, moon is a spaceship? also, choose your weapon regular soda or diet soda?