
Showing posts with the label christmas

1st filipino un citizen ambassador

Google Gmail Yahoo Mail Hotmail AOL Mail Any email         COURTESY OF  WWW.BALITANGAMERICA.TV ABS-CBN written by balitangamerika admin news/tfc channel NEW YORK – Jonathan Eric Defante’s 30-second-pitch on YouTube, an entry to the 2011 Citizen Ambassador’s Video Contest earned him one of three spots to become the first Filipino Honorary United Nation’s Citizen Ambassador. Honored as best in concept, originality and execution, Defante’s “One Bottle, One Life” pitch to the Secretary General is about using plastic bottles to build model communities around the world -written by admin/tfc channel Please watch the video, first few seconds in tagalog and the rest, in english. copy paste or click to watch. congratulations, mr defante. <iframe width="420" height="315" src=" " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

merry christmas

----------merryry christmas evebody hi. merry christmas to all of you, im sick, i dont have a voice, thank GOD i dont use my voice on blogging hahaha. i hate some meme's they are bastardizing the Virgin Queen, they are so unrespectful, i hate meme's i wont join meme, anymore. please click or copy paste the link, let yourself be the judge. 6 more days to go before new year's eve, 365 days before the end of the mayan calendar. have fun guys, merry christmas to all,.

thank you

hi. i would like to thank all those people, countries, organizations who gave donations to the filipino flood victims, they do really need it, thank you, but please dont forget our african brothers, they do also need help, and its urgent, they are dying, please go to your favorite charity organizations and give financial support, africans need help, specially those who can afford, .cnn  they have an advertisement you can go to get your carte blanche and donate. pls pls pls africa needs your help, people are dying. pls dont forget africa. wanna laugh? jejeje i mean hehehe or hahaha go to this site

been busy, busy as a bee thats the truth

hi guys, whatzzup? im very busy, studying all about journalism. theres this free guides that i am studying now, it includes everything and anything that i (we) should know about journalism, reporting, camera/video angle, how when where to interview, all about interviewing,tools of a journalism plus ive to study more about grammars and spellings, geez looks like hell hahaha its hard but its quite rewarding in the sense that people will be inform, pays? i dont know, all i know is i amgoing to be paid, not that much since i am a newbie, the hardest part is, i have to go outside of my world and look for news, yes ill report it live here in the Philippines, i know i must polish my grammars and spellings though i know i am good at spellings. ive sign up at allvoice and soon youll hear my first news youll see it and you might watch it. so i will be a seasonal reporter hahaha since i cant go out regulrly and seek for news. and also im creating some projects about my first webtv show, which wil