
Showing posts with the label amazzon kindle

the last 30 minutes...................

hi. good morning asians good afternoon, good evening rest of the world. in 30 minutes time, my broadband topups will expire. i dont know when i will be able to write again, i would like to thank all of you for your continued patronage hahahaha so hot in here, thats why my dogs takes about 4 baths a week. and, im going to sell my netbook, the one that i am using now im going to pay some of my debts/loans ill just use my iphone for posting. but that one too will sell it. the only thing that i hate about iphone is, the itune store. you must/should have a credit card its mastercard, my card is jcb and i cant register i cant download the latest ios 5.1.1 updates. i hate iphone. why is that you still need a credit card? id prefers samsung. after this mess ill settle for samsung tablet, i love samssung note but its 5 inch screen while samsung tablet is 7 inch. so bye for now. see you soon. take care. love you guys. make love not war.

a visitation from the past, present in the future

i have a story to tell, this happens in the spanish time in manila. to make the long story short, here it goes there was no airplane back then, this filipino suddenly appears in madrid spain. and when the police saw him, they were intrigued by his clothes, so they brought him to the police station and question him, the man said, he doesnt know where he is, all he knows is, he caame from the Philippines and doing his duties, and he suddenly found himself in that foreign land of madrid. so, when the friars or priest learned about the said incident, they said the filipino was a sorcerer, or a withccraft practioneer or an emissary of the devil, so he was scheduled to be hung. fortunately, someone he knew very well in manila saw him,  and that someone is something in spain, an authority so the friars said th filipino was a victim of the devil and the filipino was forgiven, and the spanish authorities allowed him to go bck to the Philippines. ive heard some stories that one depart...