
I was sad, just hope people will learn how to respect one another. Bullying should stop, sirs. You knew it back then that that belongs to the filipino people, it isn't yours. Just hope twill be settle as soon as possible. I personally would like to thank, Taiwanese coastal guard for saving 5 filipinos. Thank you very much. There's this foreigner who attended Pres Aquinos state of the nation address, he creates trouble thus pls see crying policeman on youtube. Hey you are not s filipino you don't have the right to interfer, you should have been in jail. Bullying? Go to your country and help your government. I also would like to thank this vietnamese who is against bullying. He is writing a manuscript or something then hell have it send to vietnam to gain support to stop this ,,,, who is bullying us. Respect please. Ours is ours yours is yours. Thank you my avid fans. Take care love you all.


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