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Global Voices - The world is talking, are you listening?

susan wong pls listen to this. my father's album hes one of the musician in this album

Saturday, July 20, 2013

the truth

Hi good morning asians, good afternoon good evening rest of the world, finally weekend is over. I can now play basketball. There's this famous who said, those who are against new world order, is a terrorist. I am again, in favor of a one world government, won't mind being a new manchurian candidate hahaha, the beauty of it is, its centralized, they can take good care of the world, and I thonk we will use. Just a single monetary unit, unlike now we have too many different exchange rates, and the ecology will be taken good care of. Stop saying that one world order is pre satanism, that is nothing but a conspiracy theory, stop reading all about those theories, its just that, a theory and nothing more. We need a one world government especially if I will be on the top of it hahaha. One world will thbring the world in peace, our planet will be taken good care of, esp the air we breath, in the phils, they've found out, in manila the polution its poisonous.

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