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Global Voices - The world is talking, are you listening?

susan wong pls listen to this. my father's album hes one of the musician in this album

Friday, July 26, 2013

a curse?

Do you believe in witchcraft? We are thinking that this former maid of my uncle is spitting saliva. She's not living in us anymore, but remains a friend, everytime my uncle asked her to cook my mom will tell us not to eat. In my moms observation, my uncle started giving money to our maids, thousands of pesos or at least one hundred dollars monthly. It seems my uncle can't say no. Since I'm a paranormal researcher I found at, that is possible. Here's the tip jejeje Cook the food, think of your intension, single intension only, then cook the food, while cooking then spit a bit of your saliva and serve it. Its easy. I don't know if you'll believe in me, in this but its a form of. withchraft a lowest form. Lastly YOU HAVE THe PRIVILEDGE OF NOT KNOWING WHAT I KNOW.

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