Goodbye and thank you mr neil armstrong. Hope that there is no shread of mystery on your demise.
Talking about the moon landing which many claimed as hoax.

The world population n0w reached m0re than 7 billion, everybody is having a hard time to find jobs, hope that m0re jobs be created.
Every year graduations are everywhere, how could the government of various countries could find/provide jobs for those newly graduates?

Ops im n0t pr0m0ting the maximum 500 million brouhaha thing hahaha, financially, wealth of the world lies in a few trillionaires, billionaires, hope those 'lucky' peoples create m0re business. Before if you are a high school graduate, you could land a job, as an office cleaner or all around thing but n0w, you must finish your college education to gain the same job.
World needs m0re jobs, and i believe we are over populated but the solution is n0t to kill but to provide. Get greed out of the system. Lucky people should help even if you are a christian or n0t.

Donations are accepted. Pls donate i need a c0mputer. Thank you.


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