
Hello. What's up? I'm preparing for my web TV. It's hard hahahah looking for sponsorship, well yeah I need a videocam how I guess I can write go to any videocam manufacturer's and say, "hey sir, please sponsor me I need a videocam with tripod and two mic" hope it's easy to do that. My friend, Google searches helping me, finding topics, everything topic related I go to Google. And it never failed me. I need content it's a show and I will interview and roast people. Hahaha watch out I'm planning to have a priest as my first guest to roast hehehehe, I'll ask about those conspiracy theories about the church. Too bad I can't interview the Pope. Will also feature this animal cruelty act in Korea. Where a dog is a meat for them. Very cruel. Will breed the dog and kill and sell the meat. Wow. OK see you later.


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