really? oh yeah so cool dude

Hi my friends,its all about religion, why is that God keep on sending us trials, keeps on testing us on a daily or on an hourly basis? Can you feel it? Most of the times, we don't even know what to do, most of the times those trials makes us weak,and thevyy say, God will not give you problems that you can't handle, then telling us about that fucking footprints in the sand, that he's carrying us in times of troubles. But we are humans, we can't even bare those trials, sometimes those trials eats up a lot of our time, God g is happy when he's testing us? Iys almost happy when he sends us trials? I can't fathom it, jesus died for our sins in order to save us, I don't believe in this, how can we learn something when he already redeems us? Unprofound, I don't believe in it. Please send us solutions and not trials, your comments please? What do you think? Religion is nothing, its fake.


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