2060, fact or fiction

what will happen on 2060? this number/date came from Sir Isaac Newton, it is of great interest to everybody, according to Sir Newton, that year herald the coming of our saviour, Jesus Christ setting a new earth,
( see    http://www.isaac-newton.org/update.html )
so, if 2060 is the coming of our saviour, that basically is the end times, the start of a new era, but what about the beginning? surely, before the end times, there is a starting point in which 'All of it, will began" current date, today. are we really in the path? is this the starting point? in the Bible, there are clues and those clues are happening right now, left and right.
rumors of wars is spreading worldwide, there are famines thats happening, we all saw the catastrophies 2011 brought to us, doomsday predictions all over the world, look around you, read the newspaper.
but, there are a few people, who loves to depopulate the earth, as if they owned the earth, GOD the creator isnt complainig that we are over populated, then this group says we are over populated. bring those 6.8 billion human populations in texas, and in other parts, it will fit then after that tell the world, are we over populated? NO.
i tell you, fighting continues, fighting of the good and the bad do exist, globally.
but, im having a hard time expressing what i wanted to. i dont want to offfend our creator anymore, suffice to say that the end of the world will come, there are clues happening in the world, and in the BIble, it already judge us, at least those who are against the Creator.
it really puzzles me a lot, even in the old times, the mayans, hopi indians, and others warns us of the coming scenarios, why is that they all predicted 2012 as the doomsday prophecy?  if we are going to believe those seers, so 2012 is the starting point that will ends in 2060 as predicted by Sir Newton. itmakes sense.
so 2012 minus 2060 equals to 49, we are going to suffer for 49 years and on the 50th year, 2060 heralds the coming of Chrust.
pls go to  http://www.isaac-newton.org/update.html


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