global voices online

Global Voices - The world is talking, are you listening?

susan wong pls listen to this. my father's album hes one of the musician in this album

Monday, June 24, 2013

laugh while you still can

Hi. I'm back, what's up? Having a second thought and I need your advices my dear readers, there's this someone that I really love but the prob is, that is a prostitute, at a young age, keeps on having sex with anybody then the other one a straight one but only my crush, great I fall in love with the first one, choices choices and choices. I am back, not for good, but I'm going to tell you the truth about this world that we live in. Its just a dream. My advice to all of you is to learn how to cover your ears, not to talk about the world we live in. Just go on with your life, be contented with what you have. An appeal Plummobile I need a tablet please give me one hahahaha, just laugh it off, are you a blogger too? Just add firmoo in your fb list and they'll give you a gift, eyeglass just add firmoo . Got to go, see ya later.

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