global voices online

Global Voices - The world is talking, are you listening?

susan wong pls listen to this. my father's album hes one of the musician in this album

Monday, January 2, 2012

it is the best of the best, freaks me to no end

hi. ive been studying the unknown for the past 10 years, ive seen some bizaare, friendly, entities. ive seen dwarfs, ghostly images from the corner of my eyes. one of the most bizaare, scariest thing is theres this woman voice communicating with me. i had her name but i forgot it, its like shes a friendly one, shes a latina or of mexican/filipina blood. i decided to get her out of my system i ignored her and she fled.
if you are going to visit a place for the first time, if you feel like vomiting, sudden unexplain severe headache, foul smell, chances are there are negative entities in that place. ask for water, put some salt in it and it will leave you.
this is the most dreade, scariest videos i have seen, i can see the shock, in their face. pls copy paste or click. warning, this is scary

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