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Global Voices - The world is talking, are you listening?

susan wong pls listen to this. my father's album hes one of the musician in this album

Sunday, January 1, 2012

big bear, frown,

hi guys, last night, as i was starin at the stars, i saw a bear, frowning, and so, this is my prediction part 1,

africa - johannesburg, be careful i am seing a huge smoke, its like its eating almost half of the city. fire in the city

australia - nothing out of the ordinary, peaceful but i am seing a wave of water, this will be your problem. expect this before the third quarter, though a slight one will be felt anytime after feb 15, tsunamis, the like.

so take good care. keep sake. more predictions next. i cant find my notes, id put my predictions on that note and i cant find it.

-more and more people will continue to harness their gifts, they will start to use their psychic talents, though its bascally a dragon year, yet its a mild one. but quit to anger. its tame but dangerous if its angry, it destroys without thinking, friendly but dangerous.

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